Is this Petticoat Junction or Green Acres?

Was it Petticoat Acres? Or Green Junction?

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Oliver gives a memorable speech on Green Acres!
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On paper, this should be an easy quiz. All you need to do is tell apart two distinctive TV shows. But the plot thickens: Is it Green Junction? Petticoat Acres? Do you know the difference between these two Hooterville shows?

You pick the series; we'll tell you if you're right or wrong! Make sure to share your thoughts and score in the comment section below!

Watch Green Acres on MeTV!

Weeknights at 9:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Which is it?
  2. How about here?
  3. And this one?
  4. What about this one?
  5. Getting trickier!
  6. Where's this from?
  7. How about this image?
  8. This beautiful nature shot... Where's it from?
  9. What show had this pickup truck?
  10. Where is this image from?

Is this Petticoat Junction or Green Acres?

Your Result...

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