It takes a legal drama expert to tell if these people on the stand are from Perry Mason or Matlock

Do you recognize these people from 'Perry Mason', or from 'Matlock'?

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Hundreds of cases mean hundreds of witnesses, criminals and people on trial. When you take both Perry Mason and Matlock, two of the best known legal dramas in television history, the number of people coming in and out of the courtroom grows. 

How well do you know all the random faces from either show? From small guest witnesses to those on trial, can you tell which faces came from Perry Mason and which came from Matlock?

In some images, you might be able to find a few clues. In others, it's just the subject! All pictures have been edited to black and white to make it a little more challenging. 

Good luck!

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  1. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?
  2. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?
  3. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?
  4. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?
  5. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?
  6. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?
  7. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?
  8. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?
  9. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?
  10. Is this person taking the stand from Perry Mason or Matlock?

It takes a legal drama expert to tell if these people on the stand are from Perry Mason or Matlock

Your Result...

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JHP 11 months ago

oh well - watch one all the time never watch the other one
BuckeyeBeth 11 months ago
9/10 So close! The last one tripped me up. I had been relying on hairstyles & clothes but that guy barely has any hair and a suit/tie that could have been from either era lol
JAWhitman 17 months ago
10/10 luv my Perry Mason, then and now
DethBiz 18 months ago
10 out of 10. Was Alan Fudge ever in an episode of anything that he wasn't the killer? I really liked him as an actor but it usually spoiled any of these shows for me because when I saw him in the cast I knew he was going to be the killer.
Pacificsun DethBiz 14 months ago
Yes. Quantum Leap - Future Boy
JHP DethBiz 11 months ago
am sure he played a a soldier on MASH who thought he was Christ

He also played a lawyer on an ep of columbo
Mistertelvison 18 months ago
My memories are not good at my age
Douglas 18 months ago
10/10! I knew which shows these people on the stands were from. easy quiz. case closed.
richardkel 18 months ago
9/10. All guesses. Hairstyles and clothing were excellent clues to help me solve the cases. But nobody is perfect.
MichaelSkaggs 18 months ago
10 out of 10 because the Matlock photos looked like they had been doctored.
retro6 18 months ago
9/10. Number 4 was tricky to me. He could have been in either period!
cperrynaples 18 months ago
10/10! But a trickier quiz would be Matlock vs. Perry Mason movies! It's easy to distinguish the older grain of B&W!
Jaxter14 cperrynaples 18 months ago
Very very true, because so many actors that appeared on Matlock showed up in the PM movies.
hermanstein2015 18 months ago
10/10 absolutely love Matlock!!!!
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