Can you fill in the blank with correct lyrics to the Gilligan's Island theme song?

Time to hang on Gilligan's every word.

Gilligan's Island has one of the world's best-loved TV theme songs, but we have to wonder how many people really know all the lyrics.

Scroll through the song below and see if you can fill in each and every blank. 

Only true Gilligan's Island fans can get every word! Everybody else may just end up stranded mid-verse. Good luck!

Watch Gilligan's Island on MeTV!

Sundays 3 & 3:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Pick the correct lyric to fill in the blank: Just sit ________________, and you’ll hear a tale
  2. That started from this _________________, aboard this tiny ship
  3. The mate was a ______________ sailing man, The Skipper brave and sure.
  4. Five passengers _______________ that day, for a three hour tour.
  5. The weather started ___________________,
  6. The tiny ship was _______________,
  7. If not for the courage of the ______________ crew, The Minnow would be lost.
  8. The ship ______________ on the shore of this uncharted desert isle,
  9. With Gilligan, The Skipper too, The Millionaire ___________________,
  10. The _________________, The Professor and Mary Ann, Here on Gilligan’s Isle.
  11. So this is the tale of our castaways, They’re here for a _____________________.
  12. They’ll have to make ____________________, It’s an uphill climb.
  13. The ___________________ and his Skipper too, will do their very best
  14. To make the others _________________________ in their tropic island nest.
  15. No phones, no lights, __________________, not a single luxury.
  16. Like ________________, it as a primitive as can be.
  17. So join us here each week my friend, You’re sure to get a ________________.
  18. From seven ______________ castaways, here on Gilligan’s isle.

Can you fill in the blank with correct lyrics to the Gilligan's Island theme song?

Your Result...

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Coolrain 21 months ago
You got 18 out of 18
You got EVERY WORD! As if we ever expected a big fan like you'd ever get stranded when it comes to Gilligan's Island...
LynCarceo 31 months ago
I sang the damn song to remember what goes where. all got all.
idkwut2use 31 months ago
Perfect 18/18, and I'd be deeply ashamed of anything less.
What bugs me are the "and the rest" version, and the stretching of "Crusoe" into three syllables...
BrianBrick 31 months ago
Did anyone else sing the Gilligan's lyrics to the melody of Stairway To Heaven, like on the infamous Little Roger & The Goosebumps record? One of the few 45s that I still play on my turntable ...
DerekBird 31 months ago
You got 18 out of 18
You got EVERY WORD! As if we ever expected a big fan like you'd ever get stranded when it comes to Gilligan's Island...

Alright, all those that did not sing the lyrics while do the quiz put your hands up.
csedtal 31 months ago
You could have just had a giant blank, and I could have filled it all in at once!
x60hz11 59 months ago
Quite possibly the simplest quiz I ever got a perfect score on.
WILD 59 months ago
You got 18 out of 18
You got EVERY WORD! As if we ever expected a big fan like you'd ever get stranded when it comes to Gilligan's Island... Too damned easy.
ndebrabant 59 months ago

You got 18 out of 18
You got EVERY WORD! As if we ever expected a big fan like you'd ever get stranded when it comes to Gilligan's Island...
Vozpit 59 months ago
18/18. Easy. I used to remember that during the reruns, they used to cut out the word "week" during the end credits. Guess they thought people would think they were airing the reruns once a week & not daily.
KathyMcKinny 59 months ago
18 out of 18 I know the opening and closing theme songs by heart so this was EASY PEEZY
Paul 66 months ago
I got 10 out of 10...Almost missed the last question.
WILD Paul 59 months ago
There were 18 questions. Did you stop at 10?
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